
For the last 15 years Fisher Brothers has been a family owned and operated business that is proud to be a part of the trucking industry throughout the United States.

Our drivers are known by name NOT by a truck number.


Message from the CEO + COO

Welcome to Fisher Brothers! We are thrilled that you are considering joining our team, and we are very much looking forward to working with you. You will quickly find our company to be family oriented, a ton of fun to work with, and a place that puts its people first.
— Matt Fisher, CEO
The heart of Fisher Brothers is our drivers, who we greatly value. While we invest in state-of-the-art equipment to operate our business, our greatest investment is our people. Join our family and and enjoy being a part of the everyday solution in an ever-growing industry.
— John N Fisher V, COO


Driver Benefits

  • Excellent Pay

  • Health & Dental Insurance

  • Great Home Time

  • Assigned Equipment, Assigned Dispatcher, Fuel Cards

  • Monthly Truck Wash

  • No Slip Seating